Watch Covid - A Second Opinion
So today I decided to go full social justice warrior from some of the information that I watched last night in a way it's confirmation bias, because it is the topics are things that I've already known to be true, to an extent just based on my personal beliefs of how everything's unfolded with COVID and.
Our mass media response to it, as well as the pharmaceutical response to it. And my inherent mistrust of corporations and the pursuits of profit over we'll say the public good. So that is where this all starts. That today I decided to message my entire cohort. Including my entire family, friends and colleagues with a document that I put together that I labeled informed consent and then a link to a highlight video of which is the panel that Senator Ron Johnson hosted for people who have.
Essentially canceled by mainstream media in terms of their beliefs of the COVID pandemic and our we'll say medical response to it. So I had no intention of doing this actually at all. And the thing that I find interesting is that. After watching that video, that I felt compelled to put something together in order to share this information with people that I know don't typically see this, and I didn't quite know what to expect in terms of response, but overall it has been I guess naively, I thought that people would be more open then they are, but like I said, that's a naïve perspective to have, especially when so many people are coerced by the mainstream media and they don't acknowledge or look to the other side of the spectrum in terms of the information that's provided, because it's already been claimed as misinformation and therefore against the predominant narrative of what everybody has been told since the release of these COVID vaccinations. So in discussions with some of my friends that may or may not agree with, the overall information that was provided within this. They did say that I should use my voice, that this would be inappropriate time to step in and create a channel in which I talk about this kind of stuff and publish it for other people to hear and we'll go from there.
So I'm just a normal guy. I know nothing about this stuff. I'm not a scientist, I'm not a doctor. I'm just an observer of society. And. This is just my take on it. You can agree or disagree with me. You can agree or disagree with the information that is provided. But what I think is important is that we look at the full spectrum of information that is out there in order to inform ourselves so that we can make the best decision for our individual selves.
That's really at the end of the day, all I'm looking for is for people to be as informed as possible. I am unaffected by people's personal decisions on how they feel about the pandemic, as well as the vaccine. I'm going to just read the letter that I came up with. And then maybe talk about my experience so far with the response that I've received and then.
I will string this together so that I publish something and then post it and we'll see what kind of attraction that garners. But once again, I'm just the guy I, this is just an opinion, don't hold me to the same degree that you would hold this information make up your own mind and do your own research.
But I think it is very important that you do your own research and don't just listen to what's being told to you. So here we go. So this is a document and I've linked a bunch of articles and YouTube videos and those other things within the document itself. So if I am referring to a link it's because it is actually a linked article or something else online in which you can reference.
So when I do. Release this, I will make sure that I've included the actual document so that you can click through and see what I'm referring to, I believe in informed consent. So I hope this finds you prior to watching the video that is included within this folder. I believe it's important that you understand my personal stance and biases first so that you can continue reading through this without thinking I'm trying to manipulate your beliefs.
I tend to do the opposite of what seems to have developed as the norm during the COVID-19 pandemic. I will be completely open about my bias in order to establish trust, but will still likely face suspicion. Most of the mainstream sources of information do not expose their own bias, but their narratives are adopted by their audiences without suspicion.
I am un-vaccinated and have been public with my status from before the vaccines were even available. So you can see that I come from a place of bias to start with, however, my argument for not trusting the vaccine before it was even released was not actually about the medicine. It was about my mistrust of corporate greed that is prevalent within this modern era, my case, for my case, for my support of Western medicine and pharmaceuticals
I was diagnosed with Crohn's disease in 2011. Some of you who have received this invite knew me back then. And so how sick I got, I went from 230 pounds and healthy to 160 pounds and nearly dead. Within the matter of seven months, I was in the hospital for many weeks while I was nursed back to health, but a major part of my recovery and remission was due to a biological drug named Humira.
I'm not anti-science or anti medicine. I was given back a normal lifestyle because of this medication. Eventually the Humira lost its efficacy and I required surgery, but my Crohn's is particularly aggressive and I never achieved surgical remission. I needed to start a new regiment of biologics first, a drug called Stelara, which had many damaging side effects on my body.
And then a drug called Remicade, which I still take. As of today, my beliefs have evolved around the absolute necessity of medication and although I believe that with a healthy lifestyle of real food, individual diet, exercise, meditation, spirituality, and overall happiness, that disease and illness can be minimized.
I am still administered Remicade every eight weeks. As of today, I'm also not anti-vaxx I have the normal vaccinations that were recommended prior to COVID. My last one was yellow fever in August of 2019 for a trip that I took to Columbia, my reason to not get vaccinated with the COVID vaccine stems. As I have said above in my, abhorrent mistrust of the corporate greed that is prevalent within our society.
There are a couple people reading this right now that were present when I first. Upon the announcement of the Pfizer vaccine, that if other companies were reporting, their vaccines were ready or close to being ready, that this was just a money grab. COVID-19 the biggest cash cow this planet has ever seen enter Moderna AstraZeneca, Janssen, and Merck.
Why was I suspicious of big pharma and prioritizing money over the public? Over the public's health. Here is one of the many articles about the designed opioid crisis that was killed, that has killed many people and ruined numerous families in the name of profit. This crisis is still ongoing.
Unfortunately, the opioid crisis is just one of many examples where the pharmaceutical companies cause more damage than benefit in the name of profits. The following video you're about to watch is a highlight reel still comes in and about an hour of the nearly five and a half hour meeting, the full video is linked here.
If anyone is interested in watching, I think that investing one hour of your time into watching this. And compared to the two years that we have been collectively living in a pandemic world, one hour is a relatively insignificant amount of time. This panel was hosted by. Ron Johnson. I'm not interested in politics, but depending on your own political affiliation, you may have biases, but please check those biases and listen to this panel.
Actually, the best practice to go forward is to keep an open mind. Many of the things you're going to hear are not mainstream. If you immediately get defensive, because you think, you know, That's not true. These are doctors and scientists that have dedicated their lives to medicine. You do not know more than they do.
If you feel defensive, that is a natural response. As for the past two years, you have been bombarded by a narrative acknowledge that it is because of what you've been told, not because of what, you know, I implore every individual to listen to all perspectives, make some notes, do your own fact checking and then decide yourself for what you believe.
It's very clear from this pandemic that we, as a society are very susceptible to narratives, especially when they are coming from our news networks and social media. Here's an example of how big pharma is sponsoring mainstream media. And here's an example of how social media controls your content and your attention.
Watch the video first, before coming back and looking at this link, this will link you to an article that provides examples of misinformation and the supporting facts around this panel. This was the first website that came up when I was looking for the panel. It's just another example of how the first attempt to control the narrative is to debase it via being the first result on an internet search.
I would also like to point out that this article uses only one doctor to make all the misinformation claims and that were given by an entire panel of individuals. This article includes a section preaching to the choir in which a psychologist is telling you that this entire five and a half hour panel full with many professionals is a clever and strategic method to getting people to question who they rely upon.
I insist that you do your own research after you have finished watching this video, find the answers to any questions you have, look into multiple sources and formulate your own opinion. As informed consent should be. You should know the risks associated with moving forward. This was not given to anyone regarding the COVID 19 vaccines.
We were only told that it was safe and then we needed to take it to end the pandemic. This video includes some alarming information. It could, it contains what I think is the truth. And this truth may be devastating for some people to hear information that is covered in this panel, ranged from the corruption of government agencies and forcing vaccinations.
Vaccine injuries caused by the COVID-19 vaccine, a failure of government to promote early treatment, costing many lives. The accusations that hospitals have a financial motivation to inflate. COVID 19 numbers, the wave of heart and cancer and other medical issues that are being observed since the administration of the vaccines
the lies that have been told to the public in the name of health and public safety. This is informed consent. If you are not ready for this information, please make that decision for yourself. If you are ready to see a perspective that has been hidden from you, I think it is very important for you to watch this only you will know what's right.
This is a panel of physicians, scientists, nurses, patients, and whistleblowers whose experiences have all been discredited by the mass media and therefore have been canceled. These people are making a stand because they are concerned for the public's health. But not, but the public insists on demonizing them as peddlers of misinformation.
Many of these people have lost their jobs, reputations and relationships with their family, friends, and colleagues, because they are standing up for us as a collective. These people demonstrate the honor that is lacking within our society. That is dominated by greed. A simple question to ask, why would these people make a stand when there is absolutely no benefit for them to do so? Why is mainstream media and governments discrediting and censoring these people who do not buy into the narrative? A fundamental principle of both science and medicine is to question everything. This is why peer reviews are so necessary in both of these fields. Scrutiny of information presented is a necessary component of the evolution of science.
However, we are living in a time where scrutiny of information is being labeled as misinformation and thrown aside. So if you are a supporter of science, as I believe, many people in our society would indicate that they are, then you should not be censoring, anything as misinformation as it's a fundamental attack on science.
If you are wondering why this matters as you have already decided whether or not to get the vaccine. There are many people who are currently deciding if they're going to get boosted or if their kids are going to get vaccinated. I feel as though there is a moral obligation to pass this information along to those people who need informed consent of that decision.
Beyond the vaccination. We need to be aware that the pharmaceutical companies, medical professionals and governments that we think are upholding, the public interest are not fulfilling their moral and ethical duty to the public. The brave people on this panel have inspired me to also take a stand and put my reputation and possible relationships on the line for upholding.
What I think is the truth and for the health of everybody, if you also want to make a stand and spread this information, feel free to pass the link to this folder. Even posted the social media, if you feel called to do so. My only ask is that you advise people to read this document of informed consent.
First, we all deserve informed consent for anyone who has agreed to this consent and continues to watch, please be mindful of your emotions and mental health after you have consumed this information, if you are having a rough time, please reach out to the person that sent this to you or a loved one for support.
Don't suffer alone. We are here to help each other. It's what humans are intended to do. With love, Jon and then I included a couple of quotes here. Censorship reflects society's lack of confidence in itself. It is a hallmark of an authoritarian regime, Potter Stewart. Another one truth will always be truth, regardless of lack of understanding disbelief or ignorance w Clement stone and the last one.
Three things that can not be long, hidden the sun, the moon and the truth. Buddha as of 24 hours ago, I had no intention of doing any of this. It was only after watching that video that I felt called to share this information with the people that I know in order to expose this information. In order to give them informed consent regarding any future decisions regarding COVID and treatment of COVID for themselves or their family or the people that they know.
So starting now I've created a sub stack account called the unexpected activist as is very true to the nature of this. I was looking for an entry point to start a. And it was never intentionally going to be about talking about COVID or activism, but my experience so far with the responses that I've received from the people that I originally sent this information to which was via text because I am not on social media.
I made that decision a long time ago to not be on social media. As I had mentioned earlier, the responses that I've received so far to the text that I had sent out with this information were fundamentally against this information, calling it misinformation and denouncing it before people had even given it a chance.
I've had quite a few responses in which. People linked the article of disinformation that I had included within the consent document that I created, which to me means that they truly didn't read what I had written and were just responding to the headline of Senator Ron Johnson. And COVID a second opinion.
Because of that, I think it is still extremely important to spread this information. As most people will not understand it or want to understand it, but it is fundamentally part of the story and it needs to be shared. So I will be posting this to Reddit and with a link to my sub stack and. The basis of my concept of a podcast regardless of the content that would, that I was going to produce was always going to be in a conversational manner.
So if people see this and they are called to reach out and comment that's great. You could also feel free to email me. And if you're interested in having a conversation regarding this, we could set up a time to create some content and expose some of this information and slowly but surely, I'm sure it will gather some traction.
And if not, it's a fun way to use my voice and tackle some of the issues that I think are very important. So I thank you for listening to this and I hope that if you haven't seen. The COVID a second opinion that you do watch it. If this podcast is how you're hearing about it first, then please do look at the informed consent form and look through the links that I've included there prior to diving deep into the set of information and reach out with any of your comments.
I'm very excited to talk about multiple different perspectives of this. I'm not here just to talk about, the quote unquote misinformation. I'd be very interested to talk to people that hold a different opinion and, we could find the middle ground, the truth isn't on one extreme or the other.
It is literally the perspective of many different people and finding that truth is somewhere in the middle of the spectrum. It's not in extremism. And so by using a podcast full of conversations, I feel that is the best avenue in order to expose the truth.
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